Friday, April 3, 2009

The Six Biggest Dating Mistakes Women Make..

i got this from it last nite ;)

1) They go on too many unproductive dates.

2) They go out with their girlfriends in the hopes of meeting guys.

3: They think a guy will always like them if he just gets to know them.

4) They overshare on the date.

5) They don't let the guy talk enough.

6) They forget their manners.

hmm...sound interesting for me to look after it...just let it be!


  1. could'nt agree u more dahlan..girl suntimes act stoopid and i dunno why..hehe..

  2. yup..the girls also very clever to cover their stupid mistakes by doing the unpredictable, unexplainable and impossible action but its look like simple to the men! i dunno how they make it too.. ;)
